Thursday, August 1, 2013


Taos was super cool and apparently was and still is home to many hippie communes that began back in the 1960's.  I watched this documentary called Garbage Warrior about the architect that first began building and perfecting Earthship homes.  She also shared the book, Scrapbook of a Taos Hippie, that is full of stories told by the people that lived on the various communes throughout the years.  I didn't have time to finish the book while I was there, so I ordered a copy for myself!

Map of the communes

Barbacoa cheek tacos from Guadalajara Grill in good!!!

Taos was a lot like Santa Fe or old town in Albuquerque as far as the shops and galleries, but it had a lot more of a laid back vibe...if that is even possible.  And it is further up the mountain.  I also visited Ojo Caliente Springs while I was up there.  So relaxing and peaceful!

Taos Mesa Brewery...yummy beer, wide open space, fun times

out in front of the Gorge bridge you can order ice cream, coffee, or more from this funky bus

Art by Brandon Muldanado.  Super cool Dia de los Muertos stuff.  One of the girls working at Marble Brewery in Albuquerque told me to check it out (she has a tattoo inspired by his artwork).  I found it, but it was I did some "window shopping."

another window shot from Brandon's gallery

Beautiful sculptural windchimes

Christina and Melissa (fellow art teachers from up north) who joined me on my first trip to Ojo Caliente.  We had just learned how to mud up and were drying in the sun.