Monday, July 26, 2010

Miss Van

Art of the Day

I found this book, Street Art: The Graffiti Revolution by Cedar Lewisohn at the thrift store the other day. Mega cool! It is really like a history of street art and graffiti and catalogs various artists from Keith Harring's work in the 1980's up to more contemporaries like Banksy and Miss Van (whose work is featured on the cover).

Miss Vann, originally from Toulouse, France, paints flirty comic-book esque girls paired with furry forest animals. Her signature red, sultry, pouty lipped girls make her work unmistakable. Her paintings create ethereal dream-like scenes with playful feminine figures. I love it!

Of course I love this one with the cute little owl hat atop her head.

Miss Van at work on a lovely little lady!

To check out more work from Miss Van go to her site


  1. This is one of the million reasons why I love thrift stores. Which one did you find the book @?

  2. I got this book at the America's Thrift Store in Fairfield/Midfield
