Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Farmer Folk Paintings

During the cultural revolution in China, the intellectuals were cast out and sent to the countryside to work in the fields.  Many began to teach their artistry to the local peasants to pass the time.  Because the peasants were idolized as examples of the hard working everyday citizen of Mao's ideal of communist China, the folk paintings that came out of this time became popular.  Eventually individual stylized paintings and abstract touches started showing up. We visited the home of a folk artist and had the opportunity to see his process, his gallery in his home and many of us purchased some of his original paintings and prints to bring home with us!

His studio table with his materIals...

Our guide, Tiger, explains to us that this artist studied under the man who created the drawing of Mao Zedong that is used on the Chinese Yuan currency.

A small and quick first sketch...

Under drawing...

A print of the finished piece

This one shows people bringing bundles of lanterns, in the snow, for the New Year celebration.

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