Friday, July 11, 2014

Plenary Session of the 5th Annual US-High Level Consultation

Our Fulbright Hays delegation was invited to hear diplomats from both the China and U.S. governments speak about our bilateral rationships, goals for the future, education, and environmental concerns. Many announcements and proclomations were presented; including a plan to create 1, 000 scholarships for students from historically black universities to send students to study in China.

We were seated in the second and third rows, so it was prime real estate for catching glimpsrs of State John Kerry, the top female Chinese offici Vice Premier Liu Yandong, Michelle Obama's chief of staff,and NBA basketball star Yao Ming.  I also had some great converdations with representatives from National Geographic's education department.

 My favorite is when the choldren came out and sang "We are the World" and "Auld Lang Syne." It was very touching, and I have to admit that the softie in me got a little choked up.

Inside the Great Hall of the People adjecent to Tiananmen Square

Proof that I'm a real delegate!

My friend Erin, a fellow Fulbrighter and history teacher from Maine, and I on the elevator in the Great Hall of the People on our was to the plenary session...

The guy to the left of John Kerry was on of the first American students to come study in China 35 years ago and the man on the right is a Chinese man who studied in the US, worked in Silicon Valley, and created China's equivalent to Google.

On the left in the cream blazer is Sam, an English teacher from Kentucky and a fellow membet of our Fulbright teacher delegation and on the right, badketball star Yao Ming towers above...he is so tall!

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